Making Beer

A recipe for historic Burton IPA

A fellow homebrewer and I decided to brew a recipe that might approximate (even if only in spirit) the original IPAs from Burton-upon-Trent.

Be a Hefe Jefe

Hefeweizen, also known as Weissbier or Weizenbier, is Bavaria’s famous unfiltered wheat beer and one of the most refreshing styles you’ll ever encounter.

Dishwasher Bottling

Ask homebrewers about the number one consumer appliance on their wish lists, and you're likely to get some variation on a refrigerator or freezer (assuming professional brewhouses don’t count).

Meet Mead

Mead. The word conjures up visions of lavish, bacchanalian feasts and roughly-hewn drinking horns.

How to Use an Auto-Siphon

"Racking" is the brewer’s term for transferring beer from one container to another.

Keep It Warm

There are certain circumstances in which you may want to raise the fermentation temperature.

5 Ways to Use Spent Grain

All-grain brewers end up with a healthy amount of spent grain after each brew day.

Types of Malt Extract

If you've ever shopped for malt extract, then you know the array of choices can be dizzying.

Selecting a Brew Kettle

The brew kettle, sometimes called a brew pot, is one of the handful of truly essential pieces of homebrewing equipment.

Why Do We Brew?

There are as many reasons to homebrew as there are homebrewers.